Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yes...we're still alive.

Sorry all you bloggers. I know you were wondering where we've been. We really need to do a better job of updating our blog. Anyways, BJ and I are doing great. Getting very excited for May to get here. This weekend we set up Little Ben's nursery. It looks perfect. We decided to do the decor in Pooh Bear (of course). Can't wait for all our friends and family to come visit. HINT, HINT.

Only 2 1/2 more months until the arrival of our baby boy, Benjamin. Life is about to change as we know it. But we're definitely ready. I'm getting bigger everyday. Ben loves kicking his mom. It's pretty amazing to feeling him growing. I try to picture what he's going to look like. I just know he's going to be adorable. BJ says we're having twins and that Ben is making room for his sister. (Don't worry, we're NOT having twins.) It's just wishful thinking on his part. It would be nice to get it over in one swipe though. :)

Well...just wanted to let you all know that we're alive and doing well. Hopefully we'll get some pictures posted soon. Until next time...take care of each other.