Thursday, January 24, 2008


Our happy boy! Ben's starting to take his first steps. Made it up to 4 steps yesterday. He'll be walking before long.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

BJ's Deployment

Well...the day finally arrived. The countdown has begun. BJ left for Camp Shelby, MS last Monday (Jan 7th) for a couple of months. Then he will be heading to Iraq for the remainder of his 400 day deployment. We had a bitter sweet "send off" in Walnut Ridge, AR. It was tough to say good-bye but we're glad that the time has started. We get to talk several times a day right now and we're definitely taking advantage of the cell phone. Here in a couple months it won't be like that. Ben and I will get to go to MS to see him before he leaves for Iraq, which I'm really looking forward to. We miss him so much.