Monday, May 14, 2007


What a wonderful day! My very first mother's was a very special day thanks to my loving husband and glorious son. We spent the morning at church and the rest of the day hanging out together at the house. We cherish our family time so much more now. We are truly blessed. Happy Mother's Day to all you amazing women who forgot to tell me how much I was missing. Love you all.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

One week old

Wow! I can’t believe little ben’s already one week old today. Things have been going very smooth. Cheryl and I trade off as needed and take naps when we can. He eats about every 3 hours and sleeps mostly in between. My sister Nicole arrived yesterday for a quick visit and is headed back to Kansas early in the morning to make it home for Mother’s Day! Our good friends from Church visited today and brought about 3 days worth of meals and desserts. We are very thankful and we will probably not have to cook the rest of the week. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!

The pictures are little ben’s first bath (sponge bath), his pimp swing, our family photo, and our beautiful sister Nicole.

Our nephew Austin is a stud!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cinco de Mayo

Can you believe that little Benjamin has finally arrived. Benjamin Joseph Vincent, Jr. was born on May 5, 2007 at 3:33 pm at St. Bernard’s hospital in Jonesboro, Arkansas. He weighed 8 pounds .09 ounces and 20 inches long.

No complications. Cheryl is doing wonderful; she truly is an amazing woman.

We will spend more time later talking about each of the pictures, but as you can probably realize we are no longer in charge of our own schedules.

We appreciate everyone’s calls, concerns, and excitement. We look forward to all of you meeting our new addition to the family.

Home Sweet Home

More pics at the hospital!

Benjamin Joseph Vincent, Jr. 8lbs .09oz 20in

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Carson Willis

Look how adorable our nephew, Carson is. He's a stud and he knows it.

40 WEEKS...and still waiting!

Yes, we're still pregnant. BJ and I were so excited for May 1st to get here. Well, it came and went and no baby. I think we were so anxious that when Ben decided it wasn't time, we were both a little disappointed. We have had people calling from all over wondering if we've had him yet. It feels good that our friends and family are thinking about us. Especially since most of you live so far away.
Both of us have been so busy trying to get stuff squared away at work before we go on leave. I'm taking at least 6 weeks off and BJ will be around for most of that time as well. We are very lucky to be in the jobs we are now. Both are very understanding and flexible.
FULL HOUSE is going to be an understatement on Memorial Weekend and we can't wait. My dad and sisters and their families are coming to visit for the weekend. It's going to be similar to Christmas at Dad's, except the kids will all be sleeping in tents. It's going to be so much fun. This will be the first Memorial Weekend I've had off in 5 years. The perks of working in a state park. I'm really looking forward to it. It will the first time they will all get to meet Little Benjamin too. :)
We are actually going to have lots of company over the next month or two. BJ's sister, Nicole is planning on driving down here right after Ben's born. Then I'm sure Mema (BJ's mom) will be heading this way soon after. Austin (BJ's nephew) and his friend Bret will be here the first week in June, which will be fun. And Dale and Merry, BJ's dad and mom are moving to Arkansas in the middle of May. They'll be in NW Arkansas, which is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to visit. Only 5 hour drive versus 10-11 hours. Been trying to get all of our families to visit since we moved here. Ben's not even here yet and he's doing a better job than we did. :)

Patiently waiting soon-to-be parents