Saturday, May 12, 2007

One week old

Wow! I can’t believe little ben’s already one week old today. Things have been going very smooth. Cheryl and I trade off as needed and take naps when we can. He eats about every 3 hours and sleeps mostly in between. My sister Nicole arrived yesterday for a quick visit and is headed back to Kansas early in the morning to make it home for Mother’s Day! Our good friends from Church visited today and brought about 3 days worth of meals and desserts. We are very thankful and we will probably not have to cook the rest of the week. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!

The pictures are little ben’s first bath (sponge bath), his pimp swing, our family photo, and our beautiful sister Nicole.


Andrew and Jamie said...

We love how you have this website, it makes it so nice to see photos and see how you are doing. Ben is sooooo cute! We can't wait to meet him. You guys look so happy! You must be so did a great job!

erica said...

you guys have a very handsome little man. cherish every moment with him & know that with each day that passes with him learning new things, it only gets sweeter! i can't wait to see him agian!